Envelope theorem:
當面對 min f(x,r)
Consider an arbitrary maximization (or minimization) problem where the objective function f(x,r) depends on some parameters r:
The function f *(r) is the problem's optimal-value function — it gives the maximized (or minimized) value of the objective function f(x,r)as a function of its parameters r.
Let x*(r) be the (arg max) value of x, expressed in terms of the parameters, that solves the optimisation problem, so that f*(r)=f(x*(r),r). The envelope theorem tells us how f*(r) changes as a parameter changes, namely:
That is, the derivative of f*(r) with respect to ri is given by the partial derivative of f(x,r) with respect to ri, holding x fixed, and then evaluating at the optimal choice x=x*(r).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Envelope_theorem應該是要求 f is twice differentiable continuous function.