PK formula for M/G/1 queue
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Pollaczek–Khinchine formula
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The Pollaczek-Khinchine formula is used in queuing theory to determine the mean time spent waiting in the queue to be serviced (the queuing delay) and the mean end-to-end time through the system. The formula is applicable in a single server situation with arrivals distributed according to a Poisson distribution and a general service time distribution. [Known as a M/G/1 system in Kendall's notation.] The formula was developed by Felix Pollaczek and Aleksandr Khinchin.
[edit] Formula
The formula states that the mean queuing delay is given by:
The average time in the system, F, is given by:
In the above equations, the variables are defined as:
λs=rate of service
λa=rate of arrival, which is called "traffic intensity," ranges between 0 and 1, and is the mean fraction of time that the server is busy. [If the arrival rate λa is greater than or equal to the service rate λs, the queuing delay becomes infinite.]
Cs is the coefficient of variation of the service time (the ratio of its standard deviation to its mean). This equals σsλs, where σs is the standard deviation of the service time, as the mean service time is 1/λs. Cs = 0 when service times are constant, and Cs = 1 when service times follow an Exponential distribution.
[edit] Examples
If ρ equals 0.5, that is the server is busy 50% of the time, and Cs = 1, then
That is, when the server is busy only half the time, the mean queuing time equals the mean service time. That may help explain the long wait at the post office!
As ρ increases, the mean queuing time increases rapidly. If the server is 90% utilized, then the mean queuing delay is nine times the mean service time.
Note that, if the service time is always the same (Cs = 0), then the mean queuing delay is half what it would be if the service time were exponentially distributed (Cs = 1).